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Get In The Driver’s Seat Of Your Health Journey, Ditch The Gaslighting, And Finally Get The Results You Want

Finding a solution to your symptoms should not be hassle or make you feel like a crazy person

The Struggle Is Real

  • You go to the doctor with a laundry list of symptoms only to be told nothing is wrong with you, your labs are normal, you’re just crazy (OMG, it’s so frustrating!)


  • You dread getting out of bed in the morning because you know your body is going to hurt everywhere


  • You have to dress in layers so you can go from igloo to desert weather and back again without any warning


  • You have so much anxiety, you don’t feel safe leaving the house


  • You are chained to the couch because you have no energy or desire for anything


  • You feel like you are going crazy and losing yourself

You just want to feel normal again (but you don't even know what normal is anymore)

Worn out woman sitting on couch with laundry

It doesn't have to be this way

You can have:

  • Tons of energy to fuel your passions, get things done, and have fun


  • Confidence to navigate life without anxiety


  • Rejuvenated libido for a vibrant intimate life


  • The ability to wake up refreshed every morning without pain, ready for the day

You can get to the normal you desire!

And you won’t have to spend the rest of your life going to doctors who don’t take you seriously!


“Literally, the day I started with your protocol, my mood and energy improved. I’ve since been able to cut down my Zoloft to 50mg. The odd burning sensation in the back of my head has stopped. My mood is level and I’ve had little to no anxiety. Thank you!”


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We remove or reduce the toxins we are exposed to through food, thoughts, and our environment as these block our ability to heal.

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We replenish the nutrientes our body needs to function at it’s best and keep us feeling well.

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We revitalize our thoughts and habits so we can live with more joy, passion, and purpose.

You might be thinking...

  • “I’ve tried everything and nothing works for me.”


  • “I’m going to have to give up all the things I love.”


  • “I already have so much to do and I’m so tired, how am I going to fit this in?”


  • “I’ve spent so much money and still feel like crap.”

I get it and I've got you

  • This program is more than just diet and lifestyle habits, we will be removing subconscious beliefs and unforgiveness that hold symptoms in the body even if you get everything else right.


  • We look at your labwork from a functional perspective instead of the conventional way which means that we are looking for subclinical nutrient deficiencies and imbalances instead of a diagnosis.


  • You are in control of your health journey. You don’t have to give up anything. You get to choose what you implement and what works best for your body.


  • Everything is broken down into simple, actionable steps so you have time to implement and we only work on 1 to 3 things at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed.

THE BRAIN AND HORMONE SOLUTION™ is a 6 month program so you have adequate time to implement, develop lifelong habits, and heal.

You can continue on your current path, seeing doctor after doctor who all read labs the same way, who don’t listen to you, and who ignore your symptoms and dismiss you as a crazy woman.


You can continue to get out of bed every day with pain.


You can continue to be chained to the couch with no energy for anything or anyone.


You can continue to allow your symptoms to push away the people you love.


You can continue to stay stuck in the house with anxiety.


You can try something different with someone who will listen to you and support you.


You can take simple action steps every week that will help you get out of bed every day without pain, boost your energy so you can enjoy the people in your life and do fun things, and get out of the house and enjoy your life.


“I already have more energy and felt like doing more in the last 2 days than I have in close to a year.”

Join the Brain and Hormone Solution so you can get off the couch and out of the house, have fun with the people you love and live your life on purpose.

What's included:

  • Health Audit with ThetaHealing

  • Lab Review with personalized Healing Plan


  • Three (3) 1:1 sessions for tweaking the plan and more ThetaHealing


  • Initial lab work included


  • Voxer (or email/text/message) support between sessions so you have all the support you need

  • Monthly group Q&A and ThetaHealing


  • Lifetime access to the Brain and Hormone Solution course


  • Weekly email with action steps to take so you don’t have to guess


  • Weekly check in for accountability

If you are ready to get your life back and want to learn more about this program or sign up, click the button below and we will have a chat to make sure this program is a good fit for you. Enrollment is limited to 4 per month.

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